Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hi Dr.G,
There is a lot that we agree on especially the isolation of students from the real world for education. How can education be relevant if it is all hyperbole? This does not help students prepare for their career life.
Another point where we agree is every student should be an "A" student. When we use the intelligences developed by Gardner to convey information to students they have a better opportunity to gain mastery. I try to use the major intelligences in my classes through centers to reinforce what I am teaching. This way students can find a station or two that hits their learning style and gives them an entree into understanding. My third grade has all "A"s so far this grading period except on student has a "B". This was a surprise when I reviewed their grades but hopefully it means they have learned the material.
Here is where we are at different points. I think the discoveries of new methodology would not have come about unless we had moved from an Industrial Age to a Digital Age. It is like the chicken and the egg. Which came first? Respectfully, I think computers came first and methodologies followed. Does this matter at the end of the day? No. When science began looking at computer logic the spill over into the brain and human logic began.
Thanks for your viewpoint and addition to this blog. The dialogue is great!

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