Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Ten Big Problems with Education

  1. No Child Left Behind-follow the money in that one to Texas-enough said.
  2. Federal Government wanting "say" in outcomes of education when they provide less than 30% of the money.
  3. Too many special interests in the curriculum pool. Leave writing curriculum to the expert not agenda pushers.
  4. No discipline in the schools-again too many special interest that want a feel good environment.
  5. The lack of teaching basics. Most students who graduate from high school can’t keep a checkbook!
  6. Low expectations-when did an “A” become 90-100?
  7. Too much paper work for teachers besides their lesson plans. They are record keepers not teachers these days.
  8. Inclusion-children with special needs should have a great class of their own with the BEST teachers!
  9. Social justice……this has brought NO justice to anyone.
  10. Neighborhood schools-what was wrong with going to school with the kids you play with everyday?

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