Thursday, December 4, 2008

Welcome to Technology in Teaching

Technology has brought teaching into a new dimension. I remember when an overhead projector was the newest and greatest piece of equipment for working in the classroom. No more chalk on the dusty blackboard, and being able to face your students while you taught-WOW what a concept! This remembrance is not that long ago.
Now we complain because there are only three computers in our classroom. The overhead sits in the corner or you try to pawn it off on another teacher who has not progressed into the world of computing.
Here is the question I hope you will weigh in on, what do you consider your best item of technology in the world of teaching or your world period?

Jump right in and after I have heard from you or in my next post I will share some of mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's true. Technology pushes and pushes until the next great thing pushes the last great thing straight into a corner, topped with a year's worth of dust! Human nature is the nature of exploration. Man has traveled the highest highs, the furtherest reaches, under the sea and into the stars to seek out the newest vistas. Looking for newer technologies is no different.

Stay current. Keep growing. That's what keeps human nature evolving from the mundane into the ever-changing future.

What do I consider the best item of technology in my world? The marriage between my computer and my TV. Being able to stream video from the internet onto my LCD screen has given me leverage, and a method of keeping the interest of my students. It is just as compelling as moving pictures, slides and talking movie reels were in the '50's and '60's.

Now tell me what you are thinking. Let's keep the dialog going.
